A Change of Season…

In our farming community, we predict the summer is coming to an end by the signs of nature–the spiders seek a refuge against the winter and the geese begin to fly in formation toward the north country. These effects can occur simultaneously or in succession. And they can begin  about the 24th of July or later in the month of August. Well, it is August the 7th, and the spiders and the birds are on the move.

Leaves begin to turn color in the mountains first–already you can see signs of color because it is so dry. We have been without rain for several months. This is not unusual in Utah, after all Tremonton has averaged seven inches of rain for the whole year. We irrigate for crops to grow. Today, we got a 6-inch rain: six inches between drops!

A cold front came through yesterday with temperatures 10-15 degrees lower than they have been for almost two months. Remember that Alma always said, Arlene, we have to have the heat for the corn to grow.” And I try to think of that important fact as a farmer’s wife when it gets warm.

Be of good Cheer! I left my grass and trees for almost two weeks in 95-degree heat and came home to a green lawn–so I am content. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://arleneeakle.com

PS I love the early morning in Tremonton, when the air is cool and the breeze begins. Such a great time to pull weeds!

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