I traveled over Southern California watching the smoke from the Anaheim Fire billow into the air and dissipate in the wind. For the first time in my memory, CA 91 was closed–without a single car on it except mine.
Libraries in California, Toni Perone and I visited:
National Archives–Riverside Branch, Perris
Temecula Public Library, Temecula
The Immigrant Library, Burbank
My purpose at the National Archives was to discover if the U.S. Serial Set was online and indexed. I also got to search the records of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library online for the decision to develop and drop the atomic bomb.And to determine the extent of the records concerning the artworks taken by the Nazi government all across Europe–hundreds of reels of microfilm were used to record the works of art, who owned them, what happened to them, and if they were returned to their rightful owners.
Pro-Quest has digitized the U.S. Serial Set and indexed the names, places, subjects., and maps. It is a wonderful database and will enable you to find if your ancestor applied for and was granted a pension by Congress for military service. If you have looked for a pension among the military records without success, try the Congressional Reports. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle http://arleneeakle.com
PS I attended a fun and interesting Family History Open House at the Temecula City Hall. Informative booths, finger-licking goodies to eat, entertainment by two High School classes interested in their family trees. What a fun time we had!
Be of Good Cheer, with these young people and their excitement, we are in good hands. And I brought home with me, 5 boxes of books and periodicals for my library in Tremonton UT. Be of Good Cheer!