Happy Birthday, Mom!

I spent my Mom’s birthday–3 November–in Portland, Oregon. Portland was her favorite city. She spent several years as a young person living there. She loved the rain. She loved the river. She loved the houses perched on the sides of the hills as if they had been stuck there with glue so they wouldn’t crash.

Actually I went to Oregon to pick up another load of materials for the Conner-Bishop Library. This time the load was mostly maps–hundreds of maps. And to get a Reuben sandwich on rye with potato salad. I took an extra potato salad for the road. Yumm!

And I got to see the huge tree that my friend, Janice Healey cut down and up, stacking the wood on pallets for burning in her wood-burning stove. I am just amazed at what she spent her summer doing!

And I concluded that I feel good cheer when I see the achievements of others. So I invite you to be of good cheer as the Holidays approach. And to share that cheer with all you come in contact with. Your favorite genealogist, Arlene Eakle

PS As I drove home, the full moon was just spectacular–called a “Beaver Moon” because it  signals  the beavers to begin their winter hibernation. I can relate to that–the snow is coming tonight and it is very cold here in Utah.

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